JOIN AVA, the international authority on The Queen Archetype in Woman, at her next


for women

as she shares the secrets of this power that gives each woman the ability to direct her life,

create her future and solve her challenges with vision, boundaries and confidence.


Sponsored by The MUSEUM of WOMAN      714/392-0558

“Life as it was always meant to be ... ” TM


Ava's Queen Teachings are life-changing! If you have not yet signed up for her online classes, I highly recommend them. Her words are worth their weight in gold. If you implement what you learn, you're going to feel so much more in-charge of your life. I know I do!
Charlotte Cressey

This was a great day.  Every time I take a convocation I walk the path with more power.  Thank you for your leadership!

This visionary event was so amazingly valuable to me.  I was given wonderful opportunity to re-evaluate existing inner myths, create clarity and re-affirm commitment to my visions of my own queenliness and absorb the deep wisdom of Ava’s being.
Yeshe Matthews, Mt. Shasta Goddess Temple

 Thank you!  Every moment of today has been ever-flowing with completely practical and applicable WISDOM.  I am so grateful to be here.  Rev. Ava teaches and shares from complete authenticity and bright light.

Dear Ava,  Thank you very much for your generous gift of this very empowering workshop.  The timing is perfect.  I am ready to be Queen but was missing the tools for unlocking my Queen.  Angelica

Thank you again for what you bring to the world of women.  Your dedication and commitment to women's sacred work, honoring ALL the aspects of woman, and embracing our inner Queen is inspiring.  You are truly a way-shower who is guiding us into a new, and yet ancient awareness our powerful feminine story.  You are truly a role model for what it means to walk as a sovereign woman in this world, priestessing her own life.  I honor you as my teacher, helping me learn greater self-trust and helping me to more courageously step into my inner-knowing and bring my work to the world in more impactful ways.  
And thank you for the amazing women you attract to the Temple as teachers and healers.  You have the grace and humility to realize that there is not only one way, or one teacher / guru for us to learn from.  The Temple is truly a "multi-verse" honoring and introducing us to many women who are walking in the world in sacred and powerful ways.  Each teacher who shows up at The Temple, demonstrates a deep level of reverence for life and commitment to sacred healing, each in her own way.  How beautiful is that!  :-)
Your work to help women cultivate their Queen aspect is so necessary.  Without it we do a disservice to ourselves, to our children, and to the men in our lives as well.  Again, I bow to you in respect and reverence for your commitment to this work.  
Many blessings to you powerful Queen!  
 Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Queen Convocation.  I especially appreciated doing the ritual to be “heard and witnessed”!
The Queen Convocation helped substantially on the job front and setting healthy boundaries, holding that space.  The ritual was actually the hardest part  for me- not being used to being the center of attention.  A queen aspect I definitely need to work on!
Loved the structure of the gathering today.  The format was perfect  for our group size.  I feel quite filled up with your beautiful teachings, Ava.  You are such a treasure and I hope to work with you in individual sessions very soon.  Thank you.   So much love.
Ava’s teachings have changed my life and continue to do so.  As I come into my Queen presence, I always thank Ava from my heart  for creating these priceless teachings.
Precious, Fun, Joyous, Uplifting, Empowering.  Everything I wanted for this sacred day of the Mother.
Thought it was wonderful how it touched on so many different areas.  It made me want to take several of the different ones.  Loved the slide show.




We women did not come here to struggle ...

…to toil, to exhaust ourselves … to slave away for others while our own needs go unmet … to feel anxious, worried, or to fear for our future … to be depressed, despairing or bitter … to feel irritable, ill-tempered or angry.

 We came to be Queens.

For ourselves. For our own expansion and evolution, our own joy and pleasure. For our families. For all of us.

 Maiden, Mother, Queen and Wisewoman Crone, The Queen is meant to guide The Four       Powers of Woman © but She is the most denied, dismissed and demonized of Woman’s archetypes. And yet the most powerful —The One Who returns beauty and balance to Life. Whether your life right now is fabulous … terrible … or maybe sometimes a bit of both … your Queen can bring you love, abundance and satisfaction.

Remembering ourselves as The Good Queen may be the most important thing we women can do here on earth for ourselves — and for all humanity.


First three video classes free

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PERSONAL QUEEN COUNSELING with AVA $150/hour in-person in Irvine, California, or by Zoom

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August 2012
"All Hail, my sister Queen of the Orange County Goddess Temple. It was wonderful to have you with us. Everyone loved you and loved your talk and workshop. Inspiration for many!! I hope you can come again. with much love"
Kathy Jones
The Glastonbury Goddess Temple

The Queen Convocation only gets better!  Great balance of talk, images &  food breaks.  The fragrant mists & cool towels was genius and a necessity in August. Brilliant the way you are showing us how the Queen  is relevant, helping women find their lost selves.
A heart Opening, nurturing and empowering  experience.  I feel blessed to be a part of it.
As always the Queen Convocation was empowering, insightful and practically helpful.  Ava’s teachings remind us of our natural power and ability to co-create a harmonious world for all.
It gave me not only the hope but the assurance that We the Queens, the ever-proliferating Queens, will prevail over the hideous current political climate .
What a fantastic day!  This is the second Queen Convocation I’ve attended and it was every bit as wonderful as the first.
I really like the sharing and audience participation.  The slideshow presentation was awesome.
Ava, infinite thanks for your wisdom and courage in midwifing these life-changing teachings.  Your joy and enthusiasm are so evident in all that you do.  It is an honor to bear witness to your authentic Queen self!  You inspire me to continue on the path of self-empowerment and I feel beyond blessed by your presence on our Mamma Earth.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

 Ava is an empowered and very skillful facilitator.  She is extremely well informed and very powerful in her teachings.  She kept us all on point and on time without being overbearing or aloof.  She is warm, caring and her passion and sensitivity emanated throughout the room as she taught with skill and ease.  I look forward with eager anticipation to the next Queen Convocation.  I walked away with a sense of empowerment, inner strength and wisdom.

This Convocation has been a wonderful experience- answered prayer really.  It came at the perfect time in my life;   I believe I will take this information , embody it and begin to “live” from this new place starting today!  Thank you for saving my life with this body of work.

Extraordinary teaching on an extraordinary subject.  A beautiful elegant event by the beautiful elegant you and your Priestesses tended to perfection too.

The archetype of "Queen" is the most empowering! Ava Park (the Goddess Temple of Orange County) is in the process of writing a book about this which I cannot wait to read! I heard her speak about it on Karen Tate 's radio show and was completely stunned (in a good way) by her discourse on this archetype and how and why we need to embody this role fully.

 "I really enjoyed Ava's workshop at the goddess conference this last week. I look forward to hearing more about the book and the on line courses!"
Margaret Walton (attending the Glastonbury Goddess Conference, 2012)
What a deeply inspiring experience to attend Ava's excellent workshop at the Glastonbury Goddess Conference. Deep admiration and gratitude to you Ava.
Wendy Rule

 Thanks to Ava Park, High Priestess of the Orange County Temple of the Goddess, for being a friend. She has brought so much hope and inspiration to so many women. Bravo to a great lady. For those of you living in or near L.A., make the trip down to Orange County to the Temple.
Alexandra Ormsby
"So grateful that Ava has come over to the Goddess conference in Glastonbury! I so enjoyed your talk and workshop yesterday! So inspiring! Thank you thank you THANK YOU!"
Elin Hejil Guest