CALENDAR of MUSEUM EVENTS for the year 252,024
All MUSEUM events are open to both women and men, and sometimes children, depending upon the event.
“I stepped into a shockingly beautiful space that proved what I had always known—that women were to be honored as the Life Givers and Leaders. I was stunned as I stood in the center of the Main Gallery, surrounded by gorgeous, huge, ancient female statues from times long ago. I was overwhelmed by these real images, and their descriptions, proving Woman as Eternal Goddess, Good Queen, Loving Mother, Strong Amazon, and Wise Crone."
"This is how people thought of women thousands of years ago! I wept for the truth of it all, the truth that had not, up until then, ever been shown to me. Thank you, Museum of Woman, for showing me the truth of Woman. You have changed my life forever.”
Pat B. - Santa Maria, CA, Museum Member since 2004
“The worldwide, top-down, male-dominated, violence based, control-by-punishment system has not brought peace and prosperity to humans. The Museum of Woman shows that there was a more peaceful time in human history in many places where the prevailing idea of deity was a Good Mother-- loving, kind, supportive and nourishing --not a judgmental bearded man in the sky.
The Museum of Woman brings that ancient, hidden history back to us, so that people today can have a more balanced and accurate view of humanity’s origins, giving us the hope that a true egalitarian partnership between women and men—the type authors Riane Eisler (Chalice & the Blade) and Heide Goettner-Abendroth (Societies of Peace) document for us—is entirely possible. Through its educational installations, exhibits and events, The Museum shows that when women were the principal authorities and guides of humanity, there was little need for weapons and walled cities, as became the norm once patriarchy was firmly established.
Check out the Museum of Woman and get a wonderful glimpse into how humanity once again can become a "partnership" civilization that benefits all Life on Mother Earth.” –Don. K., Museum Member since 2010 “Raised in a fundamentalist Christian family where a harsh father was the unchallenged and often brutal dominator, and the mother nothing more than a weak, often invisible, servant, I had no idea that whole civilizations lived differently – in justice, peace and abundance – matriarchies where women were and still are respected and listened to, co-leading with men who honor women as the birthers of life in a loving spirit of equality. When women understand that they are the spiritual authority for humanity, and everything is a spiritual matter, they will step up and take their rightful place of authority gently and lovingly back and lead us all to goodness.
Thank you, Museum of Woman, and Ava, the Founder, for creating this educational environment that changes lives and perceptions. When we change our perceptions, we can change the future.”
Mel A. - Los Angeles, CA, Museum Member since 2009